
  • Open call: Renewable Futures 

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    Posted: 19 May 2016

    Playful insights to economy

    Call for papers and artworks

    Renewable Futures aims to invent new avenues for more sustainable and imaginative future developments. The first conference took place in Riga (LV) exploring the transformative potential of art. The second Renewable Futures conference will take place in Eindhoven, aiming to push the boundaries of our thinking about economy. The conference will be a part of Economia festival organized by Baltan Laboratories in the Natlab, former physics lab of Philips. Economia is a three day festival in which we collectively explore new ideas and thinking about our economy. The event is a laboratory for ideas, a place where we can step out of the existing frame. We will use unexpected and playful approaches looking at the essentials of economy, thus establishing a fresh point of view on the economic system and our society.

    In the search of new economic insights and alternatives to the current model, why not start by treating economics like any other technology? Playing with it, hacking it, using input from other disciplines, unleashing science-fiction on it, approach it in an artistic manner. In short, taking ownership so that we can reshape and rework economics as we see it, and thus influence it. Because however meaningful, criticizing the current model won’t rid us of it. And we aim to do precisely that.

    The aim of the festival and conference is to approach economics in new ways and look at our economic system and society with the detached view of the visitor, researcher, gamer, alien and artist. We want to reclaim economy as a social/cultural structure that we created, ridding us of the idea of economics as an inevitable law of nature.

    For more information, have a look at our brand new Economia page.undefined

    Open call for papers and artworks
    We welcome academic researchers, designers, artists, scientists, students, creative and social entrepreneurs, visionaries and other broad thinkers to apply proposals for papers, presentations and/or artworks. Women are especially encouraged to apply. Your proposal includes a focus on at least one of the following five topics:

    • Economy as evolution
    • Economics as a game
    • Economics as action
    • Economics as a market
    • Economics as magic

    The deadline for submitting your proposal is October 15th, 2016.


    test lexicon


    Economia is the festival of

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