A thought provoking afternoon about Climate Justice
Let’s talk about Climate Justice
A thought provoking afternoon about Climate Justice
Join us for a thought provoking afternoon about climate justice and the 'rights of nature', organised in the context of Paolo Cirio’s artwork Extinction Claims, currently on show at Baltan. During this event we will discuss why systematic change and climate justice remain elusive. The four speakers share their strategies how they mitigate climate in/justice in their professional practice. What drives them to create a tipping point for (radical) change, against all odds? The event will be moderated by Carmin Karasic, a leading figure in the early age of Hacktivism in US.
Artist and activist Paolo Cirio, will deep dive into the research behind his work and share insights about legal and financial claims using “Attribution Science” and “Majors Carbon Databases”. Raphael Weyland works as an environmental lawyer and discusses whether litigation could support the fight to tackle the biodiversity crisis. Teresa Borasino, co-founder of Fossil Free Culture NL, presents how Climate Colonialism perpetuated by fossil fuel corporations and facilitated by Western institutions keeps the institutional structures in power. Last but not least, Selçuk Balamir questions wether the legal system can deliver decisive and binding climate action, why Shell Must Fall, and what pathways exist for a Future Beyond Shell. https://futurebeyondshell.org
The program line up:
“Extinction Claims” by Paolo Cirio
Artist and activist Paolo Cirio discusses how to make legal and financial claims on behalf of species facing extinction. With tools such as “Attribution Science” and “Majors Carbon Databases” it is now possible to determine the exact responsibility of who caused the current climate crises and consequent mass extinction of our times. If we combine science and data with legal and financial instruments we can save thousands of species in danger, according to Cirio. https://extinction-claims.com
“The legal protection of nature” by Dr Raphael Weyland
Can litigation help? What are the main challenges and opportunities? Environmental Lawyer, Raphael Weyland touches upon how nature is legally protected in the EU and what to expect from the Global Biodiversity Framework. Weyland will share his experience on the main issues why halting biodiversity loss is not advancing and whether litigation could support the fight to tackle the biodiversity crisis, just as it does more and more in the field of climate action. Here, the role of the art project by Paolo Cirio might play a role in raising awareness of citizens. https://en.nabu.de
“The Apocalypse Happened Yesterday” by Teresa Borasino
Teresa Borasino co-founder of Fossil Free Culture NL, addresses the technologies of Climate Colonialism perpetuated by fossil fuel corporations and facilitated by Western institutions. She will introduce their work confronting cultural institutions in The Netherlands that "artwash" the public image of fossil fuel corporations and therefore are complicit in their harmful practices. Their most recent interventions aim to connect the dots between the ecocidal crimes committed by the fossil fuel industry in the so-called 'Global South' and the institutional structures in the North that uphold their power. https://fossilfreeculture.nl
''Time to make Shell history" by Selçuk Balamir
The court cases Urgenda vs Dutch State and Milieudefensie vs Shell have been resounding victories, and yet system change and climate justice remain elusive. Can the legal system deliver decisive and binding climate action? Does justice trickle down from above, or does it spring up from the grassroots? In 2019, codeROOD (climate justice collective that organises mass civil disobedience actions) announced its intentions to “disrupt, block and cancel” Shell’s shareholders' meeting and called for dismantling the company “by any legal, economic, or political means necessary”. This talk and collective reflection is intended to question why Shell Must Fall, and what pathways exist for a Future Beyond Shell. https://code-rood.org/nl/shell-must-fall/
Paolo Cirio (Italy/ USA)
Paolo Cirio works with legal, economic, and cultural systems of the information society. He shows his research and intervention-based works through artifacts, photos, installations, videos, and public art. Cirio has exhibited in international museums and has won prestigious art awards. His artworks have been covered by hundreds of media outlets worldwide and he regularly gives public lectures and workshops at leading universities.
Raphael Weyland (Germany)
Dr Raphael Weyland, environmental lawyer, since 2015 working as Head of Office for the German Nature Conservation Union (NABU) in Brussels. Before joining NABU, Raphael worked as a lawyer in Hamburg, focusing on environmental law. There, he was, amongst others, fighting against the deepening of the river Weser (the case went up to the Court of Justice of the European Union), or against the coal power plant in Moorburg/Hamburg.
Teresa Borasino (Peru/NL)
Artist and activist Teresa Borasino examines the impact of climate change on our immediate surroundings. The projects Borasino engages with, propose site-specific manifestations translated as performance, dinners, actions, or events where the public is invited to participate actively. Together with Daniela Paes Leao, she co-initiated Fossil Free Culture NL, a collective of artists, activists, researchers and critics, creating disobedient art to end oil and gas sponsorship of cultural institutions in the Netherlands to terminally erode the fossil fuel industry’s legitimacy.
Selçuk Balamir (Turkey/NL)
Selçuk Balamir is a designer, researcher and organiser, working at the intersections of creative production, radical politics and ecological transition. He co-developed Climate Games (transmedia event enabling peer-to-peer disobedience) and Shell Must Fall (grassroots campaign targeting shareholder meetings). He co-initiated the housing projects NieuwLand (postcapitalist urban commune), and de Nieuwe Meent (cooperative based on commoning). His PhD in Cultural Analysis at UvA is on commoning practices in postcapitalist design.
Carmin Karasic (USA/NL)
Carmin Karasic is a multimedia artist focused on information technology art. She has an MFA and many years of experience in information technology as a software developer, project manager, and information architect. Currently is a corporate learning expert, specializing in elearning at ASML in Veldhoven, NL. She has exhibited in North America, Europe, and Asia. She is a founding member of the Electronic Disturbance Theater, the art activist group who popularized hacktivism as hyperreal electronic civil disobedience in 1999.
**Tickets: 5,- Euros incl. drinks
Ticket Link: https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/lets-talk-about-climate-justice-tickets-192189322437?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&keep_tld=1
Please note that before entering the building you will need to show a covid pass or negative test result as mandated by the Dutch government.
Photo by Anisa Xhomaqi
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