Artists/designers Teresa Feldmann (NL) and Seira Uchida (JP)
The online residency takes place from 15th of January until 26th of February 2021
Posted: 9 December 2020
Artists/designers Teresa Feldmann (NL) and Seira Uchida (JP)
The online residency takes place from 15th of January until 26th of February 2021
After an overwhelming number of applications for the online residency The Liminal Space, Arts Initiative Tokyo and Baltan Laboratories are happy to announce their final selection. The artists/designers selected will work on their research projects from 15th of January until 26th of February 2021.
In their applications for the program theme “Liminal Space”, they both express an open-ended and playful attitude towards collaborating online. By selecting these artists, we think we are connecting two emerging talents, eager to experiment with ideas and to learn from their Japanese/Dutch counterpart.
We would like to thank all artists and designers for submitting their applications. It has been genuinely a joy to read all of them. It made us realize we are in highly unusual times. The pandemic as a collective liminal space reminded us that collaboration, communication and inspiration are at the very core of human existence. We believe that this will continue to be a vital force for collectively envisioning and reshaping our future. We hope that with organizing The Liminal Space residency, we will contribute to this.
Selection 2021
Teresa Feldmann (NL) graduated from The Royal Academy of Art, where she obtained a Master of Art in Industrial Design. Her research revolves around the notion of unpaid care labour, shedding light on an obscure and overlooked part of our economic system. In her work she focusses on low tech sustainability of adjusting habits and mindsets, while questioning the unintelligible technoscientific solutionism often practiced in industrial design. In any given topic, my goal is to understand what is fundamental but remains to be unseen or ignored. In my care for the environment and human wellbeing, I leap from ethics to subsistence economy to biomimicry, scouring for existing elegant systems to inspire my designs. For the online residency, Teresa likes to approach the current crisis as an opportunity. ’Never let a good crisis go to waste’. When the design of societal structures is deepening inequalities, shouldn’t we take this as an opportunity to redesign this? Feldman proposes an open-ended, malleable collaborative format that allows both designer-artists to choose their preferred methodology while engaging in exchanging ideas with one another.
Seira Uchida (JP) is a conceptual performance artist and researcher, also describes herself as a contemporary bender. She graduated from the Institute of Advanced Media and Science in Japan, where she obtained her Masters in Media Creation. Uchida sees the game space as a new alternative space where filtering and censorship can be avoided. She compares her work to circuit bending. Circuit benders customize electronic devices into musical or visual devices by connecting incorrect circuit locations. Uchida is concerned about things she cannot control. She performs in the system as a user by bending the rules, and tries to live together with what she cannot control. During the residency, she wants to explore how to merge personal stories with gamification. Uchida will use photogrammetry (3D scanning) and “Unity Asset Store,” the online market for purchasing 3D models for game making. She will conduct 3D scanning and create a fictional story to distribute these items in the online market.
Both artists/designers will develop their research projects and share them via online communication, which will regularly take place via ZOOM and other digital means. At the end of the program, there will be the opportunity for both artists to publicly share their experiences and results. More event details to be announced soon.
In the image: Teresa Feldmann & Seira Uchida
Photo credit: Shota Uematsu
Online residency organised by Baltan laboratories and AIT
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