Edited by Victoria Bradbury, Suzy O'Hara
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Posted: 18 November 2019
Edited by Victoria Bradbury, Suzy O'Hara
Bridging art and innovation, this book invites readers into the processes of artists, curators, cultural producers and historians who are working within new contexts that run parallel to or against the phenomenon of ‘maker culture’. Baltan director Olga Mink contributed with a chapter to this publication. In her chapter "Elaborating on Labs: Reflections on the Blurring Boundaries between Arts, Science, Technology and Society”, she discusses the role of labs when it comes to hacking open - and social innovation trajectories based on a trackrecord as the director of Baltan in building these collaborations over multiple years with and for artists, designers, scientists, companies and organisations.
The book is a fascinating and compelling resource for those interested in critical and interdisciplinary modes of practice that combine arts, technology and making. It presents international case studies that interrogate perceived distinctions between sites of artistic and economic production by brokering new ways of working between them. It also discusses the synergies and dissonances between art and maker culture, analyses the social and collaborative impact of maker spaces and reflects upon the ethos of the hackathon within the fabric of a media lab’s working practices. Art Hack Practice: Critical Intersections of Art, Innovation and the Maker Movement is essential reading for courses in art, design, new media, computer science, media studies and mass communications as well as those working to bring new forms of programming to museums, cultural venues, commercial venture and interdisciplinary academic research centres.
Order your copy here.
Editor(s) Bio
Victoria Bradbury is a new media artist and researcher who creates interactive installations, virtual reality artworks and performances. She teaches interactive New Media at The University of North Carolina Asheville and holds a PhD from the CRUMB research group at the University of Sunderland and an MFA from Alfred University. Her website is www.victoriabradbury.com.
Suzy O’Hara is a curator and researcher based at the University of Sunderland. Through her practice, she interrogates evolving relationships between art and technology and investigates interdisciplinary and cross-industry models of curation that utilise and inform innovation-based strategies. She holds a PhD from the CRUMB research group at the University of Sunderland and an MA in Curatorial Studies from Newcastle University.
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