
  • Call for Cyborgs: Extended Deadline 

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    Posted: 8 February 2018

    Open Call extended until April 6th

    Participate in the Robot Love 2018 manifestation

    Robot Love has extended the deadline to their Call for Cyborgs until April 6th, 2018! In light of the art manifestation ROBOT LOVE 2018, the Niet Normaal Foundation launched the Call for Cyborgs. Designers, creators, artists, enthusiasts; anyone interested is invited to participate by submitting their cyborg proposal.

    Participants are challenged to share their ideas on what the symbiosis of man and machine will look and feel like. The symbiosis between humans and robots / AI may take on many forms, both on a spiritual, philosophical and physical level.

    The goal is to develop a concept in which human and robotic characteristics are merged. Examples of project proposals include (but are not limited to): brain-controlled exoskeletons, sensory applications, wearables, implants, biosensors, and cyborg fashion. If you are interested to participate, check out the leaflet and Robot Love website for more detailed info.
    Winners of the competition will receive some funding for developing their idea into a prototype, they will receive coaching during this process, participate in the Cyborg Catwalk during ROBOT LOVE 2018 and benefit from (inter)national press attention.
    The Call for Cyborgs jury consists of:
    Charlotte Bik – director fashion and product design Artez
    Camille Baker – director WEAR Sustain
    Marco Donnarumma – artist and performer
    Maison the Faux – fashion designers
    Martijn Paulen – director Dutch Design Foundation
    Anouk Wipprecht – tech / fashion designer
    The jury is looking forward to a wide variety of project proposals that delve into the relevant, important and philosophical questions surrounding the topic of (wo)man – cyborg – machine.
    For questions, please contact


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