
  • HumaniTies and Artificial Intelligence 

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    Posted: 13 July 2022

    E-book: HumaniTies and Artificial Intelligence

    Published by European Commission

    We are excited to share with you the publication of HumaniTies and Artificial Intelligence, edited by our artistic advisor Freddy Paul Grunert and supported by Baltan Laboratories.

    The transversal character of artificial intelligence and the related social, economic, ethical, legal and cultural impacts call for interdisciplinary discussions that go beyond the purely technological angle. This is the focus of the present book, to present the result of interdisciplinary discussions on artificial intelligence and humanity carried out at the Centre for Advanced Studies, Joint Research Centre, European Commission.
    The manuscript presents a collection of thoughts on the topic from different angles and disciplines: from emotions to creativity, from feminism to the environment. Many of the topics discussed in this book are central to the European policy frameworks addressing both the development and use of AI and the production, sharing, and use of data that is underpinning many AI developments. The book reflects the joint reflection of artists, historians, sociologists, scientists and computer scientists to rediscover what Ties us Humans together (hence the title) over what divides us. It includes 45 short essays by, among others, Lev Manovich, Warren Neidich, Carlo Rovelli, Ellen Pearlman, Arthur I. Miller, Derrick de Kerchove, Josephine Bosma and our curator Lorenzo Gerbi. We believe the contributions included in this book are an important first step in this collective endeavour.



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