
  • Renewable Futures 

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    Posted: 21 July 2015

    supported by Creative Europe

    We’re very pleased to announce that Baltan is one of the co-organising partners in the Renewable Futures project led by The Centre for New Media Culture RIX–C (LV).

    The Renewable Futures program has received support from the European Commission through the Creative Europe Culture Sub-programme (2014-2020). The project is an ambitious coorporation between seven partners from different European countries, at the crossroads of culture and digital technologies. Baltan is one of the co-organising partners, together with Ars Longa, HOGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, AALTO-KORKEAKOULUSAATIO, Fundacio privada AAVC, Liepaja University and RIX–C,

    In response to recent quests for a more sustainable future, The Renewable Futures project aims to invent new avenues for developments of tomorrow – in culture and the creative sector on a European level. We believe that the key of success for achieving cultural sustainability lies into our ability to become more open and susceptible to new ideas, approaches and collaborations.

    The Renewable Futures project will shape new contact zones between traditionally separated domains bringing together art and science, culture and digital technologies, sustainable businesses and social engagement of the 21st century. The 1st conference edition will take place in Riga, from October 8-10, 2015, and it will primarily focus on exploring the transformative potential of art in the post-media conditions. Read more information.


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