• Show your support to Baltan Laboratories 

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    Posted: 20 December 2024

    As a collaborator, partner, or attendee of Baltan Laboratories events, we invite you to make an end-of-year donation to support our mission. Unfortunately, we have received disappointing outcomes from our multi-year applications for funding. Your contribution can help ensure Baltan remains a vital part of Eindhoven's cultural ecosystem.

    Thanks to good planning, an active board and ongoing funding for EU and collaborative projects (plus funding for new projects, such as our 2025 TechClub, just announced from the Province!), we are stable for now. However, your support will help us avoid difficult decisions like reducing programming or staffing.

    By donating before year-end, you may benefit from a tax deduction (Baltan is a cultural ANBI organization; consult your accountant for details or Belastingdienst website).

    Your donation ensures our dedicated team can continue to deliver the innovative programming you’ve come to love over the past 16 years. Baltan Laboratories isn’t going anywhere—but with your help, we can maintain our momentum!

    To contribute, transfer your donation to the details below by December 31, 2024:
    • Stichting Baltan

    • IBAN: NL23 RABO 0104 3027 71

    • BIC: RABO NL 2 U
• Bank address: Croeselaan 18, 3521 CB Utrecht

    If you have any question, please contact our co-director Lorenzo Gerbi at lorenzo@baltanlaboratories.org.

    Thank you for your support, and we look forward to seeing you in 2025!


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