Fictional Journal: Issue #5 | Open Call
Looking for near-future science fiction stories revolving around the impending technological revolution
Posted: 11 February 2025
Fictional Journal: Issue #5 | Open Call
Looking for near-future science fiction stories revolving around the impending technological revolution
On January 20, 2025, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Tim Cook, and Mark Zuckerberg stood united alongside conservative politicians and donors during the inauguration of Donald Trump, one row removed from the family of the president-elect.
In the face of such powers, what options are we left with to rebel against a dark technological future? Will we forsake technology completely, expel its overlords, content ourselves with simply watching our own downfall? Or is there perhaps a light at the end of the tunnel, ever brightening?
As the name of the new Fictional Journal issue suggests, it feels like it is tech, not politics, setting the political agenda. The power of the big 5 (the so-called GAFAM, Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft) tech companies is comparable to that of a supranational state. However, still, we are not fully aware of their political role.
Baltan is searching for new ideas on the topic of technological revolution, understood as a radical technological shift bringing a totally unexpected future. However, the technological revolution is not to be equated to the mainstream capitalist ideas of technological innovation. Baltan proposes to instead think of the technological revolution through the resulting tectonic shifts in political power. Imagine the power dynamics in the technological industry shifting radically– or the existing state of things accelerating and getting out of hand.
Baltan Laboratories is looking for near-future science fiction stories revolving around the impending technological revolution. A contribution can be a short story (max. 8000 words), visual work (static or video), or essay (max. 2500 words). All projects should be final upon submission. The selected contributions will feature in the upcoming publication of Fictional Journal, Issue #5.
The deadline is March 3, 2025 (23:59 CET). Selected contributors will be paid €300.00 (+VAT if applicable) for their contribution.
To submit, please email the following to
• Name + Bio
• Your correspondence email + website (if applicable)
• The title of your project
• A short description of your project (max. 300 words)
• Your contribution (PDF for written work, attachment for visual work, WeTransfer of Youtube link for larger files above email limit)
About Fictional Journal
Fictional Journal is a platform and online publication investigating design’s involvement within society. Triggered by fascinations and questions on urgent political, social and economic happenings, Fictional Journal opens up issues for debate, action and imagining. Through open calls and commissions designers are invited to respond with a variety of voices and mediums, from objects to fictions, interfaces to films, and from practical designs to speculative proposals and interventions. Moving between digital and physical formats, the journal experiments with ways of triggering and sharing a multitude of responses, acknowledging design’s fluid presence within everyday life while extending critical perspectives on its practice.
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