
  • Thank you, Olga 

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    Posted: 24 June 2022

    Olga Mink is leaving Baltan. For the last ten years, she was our director and succeeded in making Baltan a valuable lab on the cutting edge where art meets society. Baltan would like to thank Olga for everything she has done and achieved and we wish her a bright and inspiring future.

    In Olga's own words : "I am proud and deeply grateful that I had the opportunity to lead Baltan for a decade. It’s been a truly inspiring experience. Now, it’s time to sail towards new destinations. I will continue as artistic director for the Future of Work Foundation in the city of Den Bosch, and will also be searching for new challenges. I would like to thank everyone I had the opportunity to work with and wish Baltan best of luck in the future."

    New management is in the making and will be announced as soon as possible. But for now… Thank you, Olga. May you and Baltan live long and prosper!

    For more information, contact us at


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